The Lonely Girl Who Has Little To Say: The Introvert

Dear Extroverts,

Please do not judge me because I choose my words carefully and strategically elect to listen first and speak second. It is not in my DNA to speak freely when there is silence in the room. I prefer to wait until the first words are spoken and then give my reply. I’m not the kind of girl who volunteers to answer a question in class nor do I enjoy having to engage in public speaking. Unfortunately, I do suffer from insecurity issues and I am way too concerned on how I am articulating myself towards others. I understand that for some people because of my reticent nature, that I come across as a prude or stuck-up. However, that is far from the case and I’m actually quite the opposite. My down-to-earth and friendly nature can only be unmasked by a specific level of comfort, and once I reach that level with you, I can easily become your best friend. In the meantime, because I am a girl of few words, I find it quite difficult to make friends.

I only have two or three really close friends that totally get me. I tend to attract the kind extroverts that get along with everyone. I have met other introverts myself and once we get comfortable around one another we become inseparable. However, most extroverts don’t gravitate towards me because of their preconceived notions about who and what I am. If you learn more about people like me, you will find that usually introverts are more extroverted in some respects than others, but we can get into that conversation later. I just hope that in the future, rather than judge me because my head hangs low or because I don’t make eye contact, that you will remember that I am just like you. I’m just a girl who chooses to speak when spoken to.

I’m a girl who enjoys solitude a little more than most people, and I prefer to say something profound and interesting rather than waste words in silly anecdotes or simply just speaking to be heard. So again I ask that you please do not judge me for not speaking to you. I like you a lot, I’m simply just a girl of few words.


The Lonely Girl Who Has Little To Say

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