Too Much Heaven

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A young butterfly YB seems to be flitting from one beautiful flower to another.

In so many interviews, star athlete SA and heavenly actress HA declared their eternal devotion for each other. Fans and friends of the couple know exactly how much they love each other. Yet it seems SA is far from ready to be in a deep commitment with HA, much less exchange vows since SA is apparently dating a certain YB, who incidentally also flits into matinee idol MI's garden of romantic affairs.

At a bar, YB and MI got themselves acquainted. They wined, dined and perhaps wined a bit too much - such that emotions were on fire right at that point. Not long after, MI suggested to YB to get a room, telling her that it was safer that she did it instead of him so that they wouldn't be recognized. In a while, not only were they sharing bottles of liquor ( MI, being notorious for his inebriated escapades ) but also shared a bed-- MI once more displaying his debauchery.

A few hours later, YB was seen fleeing from their private room followed closely a few minutes later by MI. The question remains, though: what does this YB possess that positively ensnares these 'committed' men of great talent and influence? Is it perhaps her colorful wings that SA couldn't resist or her high tolerance for liquor that got attracted MI to her? Whatever it is, she should, definitely take care and not let the ball roll in the net - lest MI's real girl sheds her wings and trip her on a grassy field.

"Every man wants a woman to appeal to his better side, his nobler instincts, and his higher nature - - and another woman to help him forget them." - Helen Rowland

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