Dear Fashion PULIS Readers (Supporters and Haters)

Screen grab of the letter from micki*****

As a blogger, I get several letters from readers that mostly cry out to be heard. Letter senders are mostly emotional, reeling from frustration to anger to despair about matters that they feel are important and urgent. Hence, letters are generally "angry" and some contents are unprintable. This is the main reason why I filter and soften them - almost all the time. For everybody's information, I may not know the letter senders personally, but avid Fashion PULIS readers all know that it is part of my commitment to keep them (my sources/letter senders) all anonymous. And as such, I have earned their trust and respect.

The "Letter from a Reader: Carrying Her Karma" was emailed to me without me knowing who the person behind the letter sender is. He/she provided the details and I edited them as I saw fit. Had I wanted it another way, I would have written it as a BLIND ITEM and gambled my credibility - but I did not.

One of the reasons why Fashion PULIS has become widely read is because I try my best to be unbiased. I write and publish anything worth posting, no matter who the personalities are. It is not my fault when celebrities feel alluded to and they and their fans react and become uncontrollable. Fashion PULIS has evolved to become an online venue for readers to praise, critique, vent, laugh and be entertained by the articles published and through comments that they diligently post.

Please be informed: I write what I see, what I hear, and what I read. That is my responsibility to all my readers.

Thank you very much!

Michael Lim

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