Evolve or Evaporate.

Why hello there my lovely blerds! 

A few weeks ago, I had the honor of attending the premiere  of Evolve: The Series.  The event was held at the B&H Event Space in Manhattan, NY. I have heard great things about the Event Space in B&H and it lived up to what i've heard. I love the B&H not only is a great resource for purchasing equipment to be creative but they encourage being creative. 

Evolve is a series that was written, produced, and directed by Kia Barbee. Kia is probably one of the most down to earth and warm people i've met in a long time. I couldn't wait to see the work she put into Evolve because we all know that art is a reflection of the person that has created it. 

Evolve can be best described as a supernatural drama about self acceptance and taking on great responsibilities. The main character Donia played by Jasiah Lovell, was just an average teenage girl until she inherits super abilities that she has a hard time controlling. Not only is it a lot for this teenager to keep under control, she doesn't really want these abilities. It is a constant battle between what she is destined to be and what she wants as a teenage girl. They say you always want something that you don't have... I think if I woke up one day and had superhero powers, I would be totally jazzed but maybe that's just me. 

The first episode of Evolve is up on YouTube and you can check it out here. Every Tuesday until July 23rd will be a new episode of part one of the series. I was lucky enough to see all of the episodes of part one at the premiere.  Each episode will leave you wondering if Donia will ever own up to her powerful telekinesis abilities. Will she use them for good or will she go all "Carrie" at a high school dance? Only time will tell and I can't wait to find out. 

Currently, my favorite character in the series is Cami played by Kajuana Shuford. Cami totally reminds me a lot of myself as a teenage. One thing I noticed and loved about Cami is the vibrance that went into the fashion and styling of the character. Fashion is something that Kia wants to be a big part of the series moving forward and we can get a good taste of what is to come.  

Overall, the premiere was a smash hit! The cast and crew had a great Q & A towards the end, in which they made Batman references among other geekery. Kia mentioned that the concept of Evolve has actually been something that she has been thinking about and working on for about 15 years. She originally thought of the concept when she was a young actress. Kia mentioned that when she was growing up she was really into superheroes and sci-fi and often felt that she couldn't relate to others within her circle. Her interests in sci-fi organically sparked Evolve. 

Kia has honestly been an inspiration to me since i've met her. I am a firm believer in supporting the indie movement. Whether it be shopping local or attending an art show. We all need to have each others backs. Something that Kia said before we all left the event was "Don't be the last one to jump on the bandwagon, drive it!" These words have stuck with me and I hope they inspire you. With all of this said, please be sure to "like" Evolve on Facebook, follow the series on Twitter, and definitely share it with fellow geeks, bleeks, nerds, and blerds alike. 


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