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While other older stars would cringe at certain misbehaviors, LA found them cool and fun - such that every time she was found to be misbehaving or doing things unacceptable, LA just shrugged them off. To her credit, she has that charm that appeals to the public, the masses, the fans. She also uses her charm to cover up her shortcomings.
It is public knowledge how unstoppable LA is - there’s nothing she wouldn’t do for the money and stardom. Actually, at her age now, she doesn’t have to “work” as hard to get by. But no, being complacent is not her cup of tea. Hear this:
According to the grapevine, LA’s latest hook up is a network executive NE. Allegedly, LA visits NE in his condominium unit whenever NE needs her. LA obliges everytime - but on her own terms – NE has to cough up a few hundred thousand for her services.
“Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.” ~ John Webster
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