Letter from a Reader: Carrying Her Karma

Image courtesy of www.cleaus.com

Dear Fashion Pulis,

FP, I am not a relative of the the actress, but just an insider privy to the happenings and milestones in the family. But I feel just as miserable myself having witnessed the events and the major upheavals in their lives.

Over the years, this actress has denied knowing the whereabouts of her loved one. In fact, this longing has been played on as a sad story on her part, perhaps, to gain sympathy, or to portray her as someone longing for love and affection.

But the truth is that her loved one had a certain illness - a fact that the actress knew all along, but never admitted. Was she so embarrassed that this will adversely affect her career?

Her loved one had been staying in a city down south (ironically, this city used to be very familiar to her being her ex's hometown), under the care of private nurses and some relatives. Only once did the actress give money to help, but she had never visited her, not even once. How her relatives hate her for treating an important family member this way.

Now we wonder if this actress and her management will exploit this personal matter to gain sympathy and publicity. Will she cry her heart out in a showbiz interview and express regret for all that she failed to do? Definitely, crying stunts like those will boost up her popularity while she’s on hiatus. Is her consistent denial commensurate to the fame and fortune she is now enjoying?

The public deserves to know the truth. While she projects herself as the underdog, she has committed the biggest sin of denying someone. Yet, we can only pray that she realizes how much pain she has caused her loved one, and that she changes her ways before it’s too late.

More power, FP!


“To regret one’s own experience is to arrest one’s own development. To deny one’s own experiences is to put a lie into the lips of one’s life. It is no less than a denial of the soul.” – Oscar Wilde

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