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Dear Fashion PULIS,
Hi FP, I would like to share with your readers an experience I will never forget.
My sisters and I encountered the rudest, most impolite, insensitive, disrespectful, and ill-mannered has-been starlet tonight.
We were at Pepper Lunch in Greenbelt, with tables close to each other. Beside us, the said starlet was with her kids and yayas. Suddenly, the two kids were having their diapers changed right on the dining table for the whole world to see their privates. So while we were eating, bare asses and used diapers were staring at us!
We silently called the yaya's attention that there was a rest room they could go to do their thing. The yayas understood and were going to oblige but the shameless starlet told them not to mind us because we were old.
Although shocked at her brazenness, we told her that she will also grow old one day, then she replied, "mas matanda naman po kayo."
We said we know, but the issue was that we didn't like bare asses staring at us while we were eating. She rudely shot back, "can you please just shut up!" - turned her back and left.
We were all shocked at such impertinence and the nerve of that woman. And made us realize that the sweetness in front of the camera was really just for show!
The saving factor was the service personnel, Rey who approached us and apologized for their $f@*!$#?! customer.
Thank you, Fashion PULIS, for being a venue for us to air our angst against people who think they are so high and mighty above anyone.
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