Why do women ruin everything, even for themselves?

This isn't a rhetorical question.  I'm genuinely curious to hear what reasons both men and women would posit to explain the oft-observed phenomenon of women actively ruining things, not only male-dominated organizations and pursuits, but even, as VP commenter AmyJ noted, female-dominated ones:
Women even ruin things meant for women. I've noticed on Pinterest, if someone makes even the slightest negative comment, there are calls for not just banning the commenter, but negative comments all together. The mantra seems to be "I shall not be offended or you will pay"
Is it jealousy combined with solipsism?  That doesn't seem to explain why most women who enjoy diverse interests pursue them in the first place.  Is it simply shortsightedness combined with illogic leading to a failure to grasp obvious consequences?  Is it some sort of Groucho Marx syndrome and being discontent with any club willing to accept them?

I have the vague impression that hypergamy, or at least whatever drives the hypergamous impulse, may be related, but I really couldn't say.  I mean, it seems obvious that the very last thing a woman who enjoys historically male pursuits such as science fiction, video games, or hunting would want to do is drive out the very sort of men who create the things she enjoys in the first place, and yet, we see this same pattern playing out again and again.

Take the example of Pinterest.  I know, as a blogger, that eliminating negative comments will significantly reduce the number of comments that are made because repetitive "yes, I agree" comments are not only tedious, but cannot inspire much in the way of discussion.  So, eliminating negative comments is half-tantamount to eliminating comments altogether.  Do the women who want to ban negative comments simply not understand that or do they really want Pinterest to be a place where no one comments on anything?  Or, are they attempting to create some fantasy structure where the discourse is active, but everyone only has praise for them?

I don't know.  Perhaps the phenomenon is simply the innate female desire to engage with the things they love by "improving" them in some manner.

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