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The four young hunks decided to try kissing each other. The teasing began when one of them said, “Hunk 2 kiss Hunk 1!” Since Hunk 2 seemed coy, it was Hunk 1 who initiated the move and started to kiss his lips. However, Hunk 2 felt awkward kissing Hunk 1.
When Hunk 3 and Hunk 4 saw that Hunk 1 and Hunk 2 did their part, the second pair felt the pressure. So, Hunk 3 began kissing Hunk 4 harder and more torrid than what Hunk 1 did to Hunk 2. Hunk 3 was on performance level to the extent that Hunk 1 himself felt uncomfortable. In that game, Hunk 3 and Hunk 4 definitely came out the winner with Hunk 3 having the most fun.
Why did Hunk 1 and Hunk 3 initiate their kissing game? Does this action confirm the rumor that has been hounding both since they started their careers? These four have been linked to common female stars of the same network. However, only Hunk 2 and Hunk 4 have really been open with their relationships with equally hot female celebrities. Hunk 1 and Hunk 3 have been linked to female stars, but no confirmation has ever been made publicly.
“Kissing is a means of getting two people so close together that they can’t see anything wrong with each other.” – Rene Yasenek
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