Embroidered Mat

 Hey Guys,

This was a post a did a while back over at the Inspiration Cafe.

Knocking off Heather was such a joy, I got to try something that I've always wanted to but never seemed to get around to trying. Doing this gave me the perfect excuse and I have found a new love, embroidery.

So here is my embroidered mat. I wanted a mat for my sewing machine and in the craft room I am currently decorating so I googled images of sewing machines until I found one I liked and kept mine to a very simple back stitch.

As you can see here, Heather has some mad skills and you can read all about her mat over here at The Beating Hearth

There is mine doing it's duty. Heather has so many beautiful quilting projects jump on over and take a look. Thanks Heather for getting me off my butt and trying something new. Although she is a bit of an enabler when it comes to unfinished projects, between chit chatting online and getting me all excited about different projects to try, I'm never going to finish anything!

Thanks for reading,

Mel xo

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