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AF and FR separated at a time when their kids TK were very young but matured enough to discern and understand issues. Such that when AF remarried, the new wife NW was the one who filled the void admiringly well. And if it were TK to rate NW, they would even say - with flying colors. TK’s not-so-good memories with FR haunted them so bad that they wished everything could just be buried in oblivion. For TK, there is no love lost for FR – from the very beginning.
Years after, the talented TK are shining brightly under the loving and competent guidance of AF and NW. The weary FR for her part, can only watch from afar at such loss. At the very least, TK have spoken and pointedly sent FR their sentiments.
To those privy, the alleged “sins” of FR were incalculable and far too sticky for AF and TK to handle. There were alleged reports of substance abuse, prurient s** details, dealing and misdealing of sorts, etc. The horrid details of TK’s experiences with FR left a big dent in their young minds. Once a supposed vacation with FR turned hell when TK were left alone to starve for hours in their cottage while FR partied with friends till the wee hours. FR resurfaced only the morning after - so wasted and drunk and physically hit the poor, hapless TK like mad. For AF, who to his friends had the patience of Job - it proved to be the last straw.
Prior to that, AF endured FR for anything and everything – even at the risk of being called ugly names for his alleged “tolerance” of FR. But after giving FR countless chances to redeem herself amid all the negativity that she brought him, AF finally gave way in resignation – and there was no turning back since.
”A man is relieved and happy when he has put his heart into his work and done his best.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
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