Food Control Freak

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Housemaids HM are one of, if not the most important ally we will ever have. HM’s make our lives a lot easier and worry-free because they do the work we can’t or hate to do. Some masters of the household MA even consider their HM’s as angels. There’s hardly any dispute about that for they truly are. Although not all HM’s are ideal and efficient, it can’t be denied that they are the most difficult to let go in this frenzied lifestyle that we have.

Some HM are so good and trustworthy that their MA go easy on them and treat them as family members. Depending on financial standing, some MA even spoil their HM’s with trips abroad as a reward for good work done. However, not all MA are created equal.

Standup comedian and tv personality SC is one of the most talented in his field in local showbiz. SC‘s climb to success was never an easy one. It was fought with much difficulty. But talent and guts prevailed - he definitely paid his dues to get to where he is now. SC is quite in demand, never lacking in projects whether here or abroad. Needless to say, he earns a decent amount to live and afford life’s little pleasures.

But how true that SC is allegedly cruel to his HM’s? People who know him know that he is not exactly an ideal boss to these poor HM. Reportedly, SC’s HM complain that they often go hungry from a day’s work and there’s often nothing to eat. When this happens they can’t do anything as they were strongly admonished not to touch anything on the cupboard.

HM still remember when they made a mistake to cook some noodles from the cupboard as they were so hungry already. Along with it, they also had a small slice of Spam canned meat. When SC learned about them eating Spam, he was so mad and he berated them , warning them strongly never to touch anything again from his pantry. And to make sure that HM comply, SC reportedly strictly monitors everything in his food supplies.

Just as SC is reportedly a generous lover to his “boytoys,” he is such a stingy master to his HM.

“More often than not, it's the nouveau who demean the poor. May they choke on their greed.”

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