More Class Act

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It seems like the top screen goddesses of today are in a head-to-head battle. Surely, in a dog-eat-dog industry, a little competition wouldn't hurt but one must know when to hold the breaks, for the sake of one's sanity, at the very least.

One would surmise that Lady Aphrodite - LA, would be confident enough in the decade-long run of her stable career to keep her composure and avoid publicly toasting a glass for herself for being "the bigger celebrity." This inspite of a slew of not-so-successful tv shows, movies and almost zero endorsement. Yet, she has something that's hers alone - her stunning and arresting beauty - matched with a high-profile love affair with a hunk to die for.

While LA is known for her thoughtless behavior, the public is quick to dismiss these traits as quirky, rather than conventional. This may be due to the fact that she has impeccable features and a body that any woman would turn green with envy.

In a event hosted by her network, a reporter expressed her admiration and congratulated Angelic Maiden - AM for her allure and the overwhelming success of her new primetime soap. This string of compliments thrown at AM must have hit a nerve with LA, who irritably interjected that she still is the primetime queen and the highest-paid actress of her network. The Reporter - RE seeing an opportunity to fan the flame, added that AM has three projects currently lined up for her.

Not wanting to be upstaged, LA said that she, too, doesn't only have projects in line for her - but networks. Networks are the ones lining up to get her services and constantly try to outbid each other in an attempt to have her on their roster of stars. When the RE tried to quash her claims saying that her last movie was a flop, LA threatened the reporter to stop annoying her any further or else he will be stripped off of his “payola.” RE was floored.

Blessed with a stable career, nonetheless, LA should better give her diva attitude a rest and wear modesty and quiet confidence on her sleeves instead.

“Arrogance is a creature. It does not have senses. It has only a sharp tongue and the pointing finger.” ~ Toba Beta

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