Perpetually Despised

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Growing up from a showbiz clan and public personalities, one would surmise that snob actor SA has learned how to handle fame, and more importantly, being a relative newcomer in the industry-- how to keep it.

Certainly, being a celebrity is never easy. From giving it your best in every public performance, your all in every take, you also are expected to look perfect from every angle and be amiable towards people, most especially your supporters, the masses, the people who continuously help you stay at the top. Nevertheless, it is still a dream job for most if only for the fame and huge money in exchange for such little discomforts.

SA is apparently very oblivious to this logic. During a recent event in the province, people were very disappointed with him, who was as elusive as a panda - choosing to stay inside the comforts of the van he was riding in, feigning a headache when he was supposed to be on top of it for a motorcade. He didn't want to be bothered in his hotel room, and had also denied the media any interviews. The public officer in charge of the event was pulling his hair in frustration but SA remained indifferent.

Likewise, one insider in SA's weekly noontime show also was in absolute shock at having first-hand experience at SA's arrogance and seemingly rude behaviour. What's more appalling is that his mother has been very tolerant of his son's attitude.

It would be amazing to see the numbers of SA's legion of young fans drop. With his lenient mother and no sensible advisers in sight, who knows what the future brings to SA, who does nothing but live up to his overrated image.

"Fame is an illusive thing -- here today, gone tomorrow. The fickle, shallow mob raises its heroes to the pinnacle of approval today and hurls them into oblivion tomorrow at the slightest whim; cheers today, hisses tomorrow; utter forgetfulness in a few months." ~ Henry Miller

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