Soda Can Jewelry

Welcome to Day 3 of Trash Chic Week!

This this the one that started it all! There were a few drink cans lying around and I had of course seen Amy from Stow & Tell U do a fab upcycle project with them here, and I thought hmmm what can I come up with? Of course it was jewelry! Want your own trash chic bling?

  • Empty drink cans
  • Die Cutter
  • Embossing plates
  • Die
  • Jewelry Finding
  • Metal hole punch

1. Cut and wash your empty cans.

2. Put them in the embossing plates and roll them through the die cutter, then place the die in and roll it through a second time. 
This is the Big Shot one of my favorite purchases ever, this thing cuts just about anything, if you quilt you can do a quilt top in about 40 minutes.

3. Add your findings then bling it up baby!

I used nail polish on these ones

Spray paint on these ones

Obviously these are just left plain but I think they're my favorite

DIY Delight or Disaster? The yellow ones aren't that crash hot but the nail polish and plain ones....Delight. So race to your bin and grab them out. Also I did make a small mistake with them, anyone spot it?

Thanks for reading,

Mel xo

Missed some projects from Trash Chic Week? Catch up

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