A lack of self-awareness

The problem isn't so much that Women Ruin Everything.  I mean, sure, it's a material problem, but the real source of male irritation is that after wreaking their customary devastation on all that is good, holy, and operative in the name of improving it, instead of demonstraring that they've learned anything from their most recent disasters, they tend stand over the men trying to repair the damage and tell them that they're fixing it incorrectly.

I'm sure this incident was tragic for the families involved, but for everyone else, it's a humorous metaphor for the inevitable failure faced by equalitarian societies.
A pair of hikers who had been rescued after getting lost in the fog and rain inside a Maine state park drowned on Tuesday night when their car plunged into the water off a boat launch as they were trying to leave. Amy Stiner, 37, and Melissa Moyer, 38, were found dead inside a minivan in 20 feet of water about 175 feet from the boat ramp on the edge of Roque Bluffs State Park, the Washington County Sheriff's Department said.
So, this pair of strong, independent women first managed to get lost, were rescued, and then managed to promptly kill themselves by driving directly into a lake.  And how fast was one of them driving to go 175 feet into the lake?  The average minivan go from 60 to zero in 130 feet without the friction involved in slamming into increasingly deep water.  That's also a boat landing, not some sort of immediate drop-off, which indicates that the driver didn't step on the brakes once she'd driven into the lake.

Ye cats.

Of course, it goes both ways. If you don't know what you're doing or something is beyond you for one reason or another, then don't do it and don't interfere with those who can. I'm not terribly dextrous and my spacial relations are literally retarded, whereas Spacebunny is mechanically competent and has long, slender fingers that would be the envy of a high elf.  So, when the bloody clip comes off the mower again, I don't express any opinions about how she should go about putting it back on, I just shut up and hold the cutter however she tells me to hold it.  And if she reminds me to tighten the bolt next time before I start mowing, I don't argue with her or defend myself,  I just agree to do it, because I'm the one who screwed up in the first place.

(NB: or as is more accurate, the second place.  If Honda had more competent design engineers, the wretched clip would not be a problem in the first place.  I notice that their newer models have a modified design to account for this mechanical flaw. But, like it or not, the problem exists, and it's my fault if I don't correct for it since I know that it is there.)

Whether you are male or female, if you get something wrong, for any reason, learn to shut up and listen to those who got it right from the start. And if you break something, then you don't get an opinion on how it should be fixed.

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