Superjail! on Adult Swim: The Right Blend of Story & Violence

by Terisa Thurman

Superjail! Creators: Christy Karacas & Steve Warbrick

If you haven’t heard of Superjail! think of a Ren & Stimpy-esq gore mixed into an animated Willy Wonka mind trip.  But don’t limit it to that because this series is bursting with creativity and traces of influence from pop culture.  Superjail! is not for children and definitely earns its place on the Adult Swim lineup with its blend of story and violence which Creator/Executive Producer Stephen Warbrick thinks is finally just right:

“For me personally, the second half of the third season, I feel really happy with.  There’s other episodes where… there’s a lot of things that I wish… or could have… would have kind of thing but with the end of the third season I really felt happy. I remember thinking like… awesome, I’m laughing there’s enough violence, there’s good story.   I feel like the stories this season got more funny; I don’t want to put a label on it but they almost feel sitcom-y but still making sure we have a big fight every episode and try to pepper it with a lot of random violence.”

Set inside a jail in what seems like a surreal universe the action is lead by the deranged Warden who is instantly endearing with an almost childlike innocence and outsider status.    He sets up an endless series of shenanigans which are imposed upon his staff which include Alice, the brawny Prison Guard, who at times channels Jim Carrey as the body building Vera De Milo on In Living Color; an uptight accountant Jared, a mute robot and the Doctor.

Superjail! premiered in 2008 then took a 3 year break to return in 2011 with season 2 and has been picking up steam ever since.  Now working on the fourth season Creator/Executive Producer Christy Karacas has a handle on bringing the Superjail! universe to life:

“The inmates have become characters so you don’t wonder who they are when they are on the screen and you know what they are about.  [Season 1] …was almost like a tryout for characters.”

Watch Superjail! on and while you are there check for updates on season four which premieres in 2014.

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