The Batman Pep Talk

What I always loved about Batman was his ability to get beat up. I mean if you are superman or you have mutant powers you can take a beating and it's not that big of a deal, but if you are batman and all you really have is a high tec rubber suit and some martial arts moves, and some super villain sends his thugs to play the congas on your kidneys, I have to give props for your ability to survive to crime fight another day. While channel surfing I came across Batman Begins. I had seen it before (and dug it), but as I was watching an unanimated Batman go through the awkward stages of beginning hero-dom, I was reminded very much of the crappy transitional phase me and many of my 30 something friends fresh out of grad school or bangin' abroad jobs are going through right now. 

We have all the tools to be professional ninjas and yet nothing ever quite goes as planned. Either we get passed up for jobs or the jobs we do get leave us bored, frustrated, and wondering how our bosses (in many cases younger and or less qualified) got to where there are with only a tenth of the talent, and even less integrity  It can get on my last nerves, especially when faced with the daily condescending comments I receive as a young looking person with a higher up sounding title. But Batman, oddly enough, gives me faith. I don't have a couple million dollars, a butler, or even a car, but I do have all the tools I need to take the beating and get up and get better. Day by day.

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