The Secret to Clear Skin: 5 Home Remedies Often Used to Treat Acne

One of the persisting skin problems that have been giving women tough days in recent time is that of Acne. One tiny zit at the wrong moment can spoil that look you had been craving for months or that big night you had been planning for days. Dermatologists have pointed out that the most probably causes of acne being stress and an improper diet. The most gruesome problem with acne is not only their appearance but their disappearance as well, which leaves behind ugly marks and may be accompanied with skin break outs and wrinkles.

Thus here we come up with 5 Home Remedies used to treat acne:

The White Toothpaste 

Okay, now we are sure that you knew toothpaste were good for your teeth, but here we tell you that they can make your zits disappear overnight. All that needs to be done, is applying a thin layer of any toothpaste, just make sure it is not gel based over your acne. The fluidity of the paste used should be consistent and even so as to enable the acne to cool out and not clog the pores even more. Leave it overnight and rinse of in the morning with cold water and you are sure to get the best results.

The Egg White

So, it’s not only the white toothpaste but even the egg white, that can help cure your acne problem. Take 2-3 eggs, crack them gently separating the yolk from the white. Once separated beat the yolk evenly and consistently, mostly by using a grinder or a blender, till a consistent paste is formed. Apply it evenly on the skin and leave it for 15-20 minutes, once dry, rinse it off and pat dry.

Honey and Milk Mask 

The wonders of Milk and Honey as skin care products are not alien to many women, and thanks to their anti-bacterial properties and anti-oxidants, the mask we are suggesting not only wears out acne’s but also acts as anti-wrinkle and anti-aging agents. Mix 2 tablespoon of honey with sufficient quantities of milk so as to form a gooey paste, not too runny, and apply it evenly on the skin. Leave the mask on for 15-20 mins and wash off with cold water. Honey may leave the skin a bit dry, so do not forget to moisturize your face after the process.

Citric Lemons 

Yellow lemons are known for its high acidic contents inclusive of citrus and anti-oxidants, which not heals your acne but because of its anti-aging, exfoliating and anti-wrinkle properties can give you that healthier and glowing skin. It is suggested to use lemon on the acne prone areas and keep it for a maximum of 4-5 minutes, since the acidic content may cause side-effects on sensitive skin. Further, try to use this remedy when in all probability you are not going out in the sun for the next 3-4 hours.

The Pimple free Papaya 

Last but not the least, one of the essential ingredient that you can spot out in the contents of all major skincare products is papaya which owing to its content of papain is known as an anti-inflammatory agent which removes excess lipids and dead skin cells thus unclogging the pores. Cut a papaya, into small portions, and rub it over the acne prone areas. Leave the juice on for 15-20 mins, finally rinsing it off to get that perfect radiance. To conclude, it is important to note, that the skin care regime suggested would just help you heal the acnes but to prevent them from coming in the first place, be sure to drink loads of water, follow a proper cleansing-toning and moisturizing routine and lastly eat healthy.

About the Author: The above article is composed by CJ, a beautician by profession associated with who loves to share her beauty and health tips via her articles.

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