Mi-Me Beauty Tip Of The Week

GQ Magazine UK

This half of The Mi-Me Crew loves a man with a well groomed beard, goatee, moustache or a bit of scruff. I am definitely an equal opportunity facial hair lover. So it breaks my heart to see men that are plagued with ingrown hairs or razor burn. Ingrown hairs or little devils, as some call them, also seem to be equal opportunists, as they affect anyone and are troublesome anywhere hair may call to be removed. Although this tip is inspired by the fellas, ladies and gentlemen alike should use this tip to heal and treat any ingrown related blemishes. Start by pouring 3/4 cup of aloe vera juice, 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar, and 2 tbsp of witch hazel or distilled water into a bottle. Shake well and apply to freshly cleansed skin. These three ingredients can be used as a toning aftershave to help keep skin free of bacteria and provide a gentle exfoliation to lessen the likelihood of ingrown hairs. Adding 2 drops of tea tree, 2 drops of lavender, and 6 drops of geranium essential oils to this basic mixture will improve its fragrance and help speed up the healing process of any irritated skin resulting from your preferred hair removal process. We recommend doing a patch test behind your ear to test this toner’s strength. Now that we’ve covered the best way to address those pesky little devils, I hope to see no beards unkempt.

Mi-Me Recommends our Brand New Ultimo Bear Oil. Tweet us @ilovemime for a sample for your favorite gent.

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