Arrogance or Coyness?

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Crossovers seem to be the in-thing among the talents of the two rival networks. For example, a few years back, actor from Network 1 (N1) and actress from Network 2 (N2) worked together on movies for each of their networks. Recently, talented actor and beautiful actress from N1 are appearing in two movie productions of N2. However, what has been going on for some time is how the talents of N1 would be invited to host in the other channel (OC) of N2.

After hunk actor and boyish actor of N1 did their hosting chores in the same show at OC, drama actress (DA) was invited. DA deserves the invitation because she is articulate, fluent, and pretty. Besides, her newly found fame has asserted her presence in media. Thus, when the employees of OC were surprised at the presence of DA, they naturally gravitated towards her. The employees took turns in having their pictures taken with DA. After a while, DA innocently remarked that it was as if it was their first time to see an actress.

What exactly did DA mean with her statement? Whenever an actor appears in the rival station, it is a natural reaction for employees to fuss over their guest. Moreover, regardless of which station a celebrity comes from, the ordinary person will always be excited to have a photo with him/her. DA should be happy that the employees were keen on having photos with her. It would be such a tragedy if no one gave her attention.

“You have to be a bit delusional to be an actor.” ― Janet Evanovich and Lee Goldberg

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