His Loss, Her Gain

Image courtesy of www.riovistachurch.com

Controversial Husband CH & Tough Wife TW have decided to call it quits after a vicious, public scandal that marred their once beautiful romance and married life.

Although TW had some sort of an image in her films back in the days, she was nevertheless a resilient and ideal partner to CH after they tied the knot years ago.

It was a fruitful marriage in the beginning, that turned very painful in the end. Charges of serial infidelity scarred their relationship big time. The couple, now embroiled in a court battle after they filed charges against each other vowed to address their grievances and to finish till the end.

The process of any legal battle can be very tough between any feuding parties more so if it involves the children. TW tried as much with all her might to protect and shield her children from the possible trauma that it might bring them. Yet some people cannot say the same thing towards CH.

Reportedly, the battle for custody has reared its ugly head as CH allegedly kept brainwashing the kids to lie before the court. The confused kids wouldn't know how to take CH's words aware as they are from the start what lying is all about. It allegedly broke TW's heart knowing her kids suffer that way under CH who seems to take everything as a competition between him and TW.

People privy to this story and even showbiz followers know only too well what a big loss CH had allowed to happen in his family life. Although most of TW's loved ones would prefer that it happened the way it did rather than having to prolong her agony further.

At the end of it all - it is TW who won in this battle – public image and credibility, notwithstanding. And whether CH takes it or not, his undoing unwittingly became TW's saving grace in the end.

“ When a woman conceives her true self, a miracle occurs and life around her begins again. ” ~ Marianne Williamson

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