The Secret Lanuage

So today I found out I was a tender symbiotic satirist.

I used The Secret Language website to tell me this. This isn't your grandmother's astrology but a distillation of personality traits gathered over 40 years of more than 20,000 people.  

When I checked out what it had to say about those born on September 25th and our heath. It said we have to push ourselves to exercise. DING DING DING! I know that hit the nail on the head. It suggested the best workout for us is long daily walks. I actually think that is pretty good advice considering I tend to be a daydreamer and walking lets me have free time to think and ponder about life's daily adventures. You know those mommy ones? kids, laundry, dinner... haha!

It also talked about how we are imaginative people. I blog about crafts and home decorating, I like to think I'm imaginative and creative. However, we tend to be precise and exacting. Yes, I can see that. I'm ok with it not being perfect but it definitely bothers me when things aren't just so so.
Fun Fact: I share a birthday with Will Smith and Barbara Walters!

After I read a little more about myself I was curious to find out what it said about my husband. Apparently he is a resolute dreams and visions.

I loved that it said that for those born on this day have to channel their wilder energies productively. As a child my husband was told he had ADHD, though he never took nor takes medicine for it. I definitely see it in him as an adult. There are times he has a hard time focusing on one thing at a time.

It also said those born on his birthday have a personal magnetism and lead others to accept their views regarding everything from taste and politics to morality and art. I soooo agree with this one. I have always said my husband can sell ice to a Eskimo.

 Fun Fact: My husband shares a birthday with Shawn Johnson and Dolly Parton!
And just for fun I wanted to see what our daughter was listed as and she is a extended cryptic secret. Interesting!!
A Secret Language Name reveals one's natural identity. If you are curious to know Abe Lincoln was a Intentional Unifier and Mother Theresa was a Innocent Supportive Partner.

What are you?
Click here to find out and leave me a comment letting me know. I would love to know what my readers secret language names are. Anyone else a Tender Symbiotic Satirist? What famous people do you share your birthday with?

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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