Not Mulling on a Rehash

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At no other time than during great calamities that the Filipinos’ inimitable strength of spirit and sense of brotherhood come to fore. Filipinos of all social classes everywhere in the world as if on cue, band together to unite as one to give each other support.

Celebrities join together and use their influence via social media to enjoin their followers and fans to help in any way they can to give comfort to the disaster victims. These stars take on the role as volunteers and advocates of assistance to the unfortunate victims.

The recent and most destructive catastrophe to ever hit the country has once again demonstrated this oneness and incomparable spirit. In the Philippines, ordinary citizens, as well as celebrities have devised every conceivable way to raise funds for relief operations. Some celebrities opted to sell and auction off their branded clothes, shoes, bags and other stuff.

Some big star endorsers asked for donations in kind from the companies whose products they endorse. In more ways, these companies offer almost everything, usually more than their endorsers ask for. As a show of gratitude, the endorser/star post pictures of all these donations in her social media accounts.

A few big celebrities went the extra mile and really leveled up. They gave cash donations in unbelievably huge amounts which were not normally done. Contrary to common belief, the generosity of these stars is beyond question. For how else do you qualify the character of someone who happily and wholeheartedly gives in the millions, without conditions?

This was exactly the tone and topic of conversation between a Major Star MS and her Colleagues and Friends CF. Being a big celebrity of her network, MS was asked (or teased?) why she would only be doing a small bazaar when she can very well do much more like donate some cash. CF further added that MS’ cash donation may not necessarily be in the millions like what the others did.

The CF were amused, but no longer surprised when MS answered them pointblank, " You know what, I do not have to do that. Why will I give cash when they have already done it? Besides, cash donations from many parts of the world are already overflowing , I do not think I still have to add to that!"

" Self-deception is nature; hypocrisy is art. " ~ Mason Cooley

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