Getting Burned

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After so many months of not seeing His Daughter HD, Troubled Dad TD excitedly went to Her School HS early this week looking a lot better, fresher and peaceful. TD was with someone who looked like a lawyer or someone from the fiscal's office.

TD's Estranged Wife EW had actually made arrangements with HS regarding the circumstances between HD and TD. And TD's going there to meet up with HD and some HS officials would definitely spell big trouble.

HD's Yaya HY reportedly confided to a fellow yaya in school that she was scared because she was very sure that EW would blow her top the minute she learned that TD went to see HD. Knowing how EW is known for her outbursts who allegedly curses like there's no tomorrow, HY feared that EW would again take it out on her and the other help at home and confiscate their cellphones once more. Allegedly, her reported paranoia is consuming her.

HY was supposedly under specific instruction from EW to be very strict and never ever to allow TD to go near their kids, anytime, anywhere.

But HY was helpless that day when TD went to HS. Back home with EW, HY and her fellow help are aware of what's going on. Deep in their hearts they know the truth - who is at fault in the family squabble. Needless to say, it is TD who they sympathize with. For them, it is he who is more credible, and that even if they stay with EW, they are on the side of TD.

HD used to be close to TD when they were still living together as family. Thus it was presumed that their meeting together with the HS officials went without glitch. Supposedly, HS is totally concerned with the welfare of HD. It is imperative that it would be on the side of what is right and just.

However, HY knew that EW got mad at HS for that meeting, because EW thought that HS would honor their commitments, considering that there were already previous arrangements agreed on.

In light of the above, HD didn't go to school the day after the encounter with HD. Supposedly, EW didn't allow her to. Friends think this is just sad, to be dragging the children on the issues of the parents. Hopefully, things will get better soon.

“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.” ~ Buddha

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