I am GooGol: Super-Heroine with Extraordinary Brain Captures Attention of 1000s of Young Readers – and Google!

‘I am GooGol: The Great Invasion’ crunches the numbers and unzips technology to offer young readers a wholly unique literary adventure.


This Graphic Novel introduces the beginning and reasons for a hero called Googol. Set in the future, the world has been invaded by other species, coming from out of space. And technology is at the center of our world and daily lives. Except for a few who chose to reject it all and live underground. 

The intriguing part is that the web comic suggest to us that Googol, also has power of teleportation and had to come back in our time to help us deal with the challenges brought to us by all these technologies. And our slow walk toward the Wikipad (a chip implanted in the brain). Googol is technologically modified humans being that initial aim was to be sent on a long journey in a space ship in order to meet other species and habitable planets in our galaxy. 

Before being sent on such a ship, they were used for less noble activities like online surveillances, general spying and commercial/political warfare between governments of the world. 

While the book had not amassed an impressive readership and social media following, the author didn’t expect to attract the attention of Google four years ago after filing a trademark application for her GooGol character.

“FedEx showed up at my door one day with a registered letter. I was shocked to find that it was Google telling me that my pending trademark could be too easily confused for their own brand name and that they intended to collect damages and a portion of my profits if I didn’t cancel my intentions,” says Francis. 

Continuing, “While strongly worded, my experience and exchange with their legal team was as human as possible. And I got as much classes (list of product and services) as I could file under my trademark “I am Googol”, although I am so missing the Game one (they would not let me have that one – maybe because they have their own future plan to release Games for Google).

“I am” was a suggestion from their legal team and I felt that I could definitely work with that!

W.i.ll.i.am the singer … then Pharrell Williams recent attempt to file also “I am” and so many celebrities naming their website “I am” followed by their artist name … so I felt like a trend setter 4 years ago. My poor marketing brought me to the point that nobody heard from me and my Graphic Novel after that” In fact, Francis has a bright future for her brand. She is currently inviting readers to submit drawings of GooGol in order to have their say on how the character should look.

Younger readers can also look forward to ‘Little G’ – an upcoming series of books, animations and cartoons based around the ‘I am GooGol’ franchise. http://www.facebook.com/lilgoogol

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