Just Can't Get Enough

Image courtesy of www.carolynbaana.com

The merry-go-round of showbiz relationships has long been a practice for years. Exchanging partners with fellow actors' exes is hardly being frowned about these days. The rate of tolerance and/or permissiveness of what were previously taboo has reared its ugly head in many a showbiz affairs, in the process, affecting the stars' work and relationships with fellow actors.

The Actress Girlfriend AG of an actor is one such paranoid woman. AG's boyfriend, a Handsome Actor HA from showbiz royalty has had several girlfriends in and out of showbiz long before AG came into his consciousness. Even when HA assured AG of his undying love for her, it did not at all diminish AG's paranoia of his faithfulness, or lack of it.

It was reported that AG was constantly fearful everytime there was a new soap to be starred in by HA. She would always fuss over the littlest details/ background of any actress who would be paired with HA, including her past relationships, checking if it would show any link to her HA. Reportedly, AG's friends could only shake their heads when AG would tell them just how bothered she was everytime.

One day, AG was whining to her friend saying that she felt so bad that HA would have to be paired with Network Actress NA for their upcoming soap. The circumstances behind the pairing made it all the more difficult for AG to accept.

It was actually AG and HA who were earlier chosen to be paired in a different soap. NA being a bigger star, had the option to choose who she wanted to work with in her soap - rejected Top Actor TA of the network just because he happens to be the boyfriend of Her Nemesis HN. For some reason, NA also did not want to work with a Drama Actor DA. Thus, there was no choice at that point but to pull out HA from his soap with AG to be paired with NA.

Here's the catch: NA and HA had a past - the reason why AG's mind went haywire. Reportedly, AG could not trust HA enough because he already cheated on her once. Allegedly, AG was so annoyed and disturbed, kept ranting how unfair the system, why she had to kowtow to the wishes of the network "divas," saying she didn't deserve to be on the losing end and suffer just to make these divas happy.

No amount of assurance and comfort from her friends could assuage AG's feelings. She was quoted as saying, " How can I not be paranoid when he had a past with NA? He had done it before, HA will do it again, it's in his blood. In Psychology, cheaters will always be cheaters. I am very bothered, I don't want to work. "

AG further added, " I am no longer interested in our soap because HA is no longer there, more likely I will be given a so-so leading man. I really don't feel like doing the soap anymore. "

And the final catch, a bombshell: " So HA will be with his ex NA in their soap. How I wish I would be with Brad Pitt - or my EX, at least! "

Note: EX is now Celebrity Endorser's present. *wink

"Honesty is the key to a relationship. If you can fake that, you’re in." ~ Richard Jeni

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