Not Liking Her

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The Popular Performer PP's appeal and credibility cannot be questioned. The public believes that PP's positive image, with nary a scandalous circumstance ever since showbiz openly embraced her many years back is one that is a tough act to follow.

The recent project PP did alongside an industry Big Name BN had reportedly both of them almost clashing on some occasions making their fans clash, too, at some point in defense of their idols. Both PP and BN 'though denied the existence of animosity between them.

PP's management carefully handles and protects her making sure that her talent is fully maximized. Her big status, passion and dedication have landed PP some 'extreme' and challenging projects which she did with flying colors. But not all days are rosy, as they say.

In PP's recent event RE, it was reported that ticket sales were apparently not as encouraging as the previous one. It actually started very late because they were still hoping for more people to come.

Absent at the RE was BN who was not available for some reason. Reportedly, the producers could not care less because BN made a statement previously about her professional fee which did not sit well with them. BN allegedly demanded to be paid immediately after the earlier event since according to her, the fee was not that big after all.

"Take the time to understand what's behind your success. It's the best way to ensure it will continue." ~ Stuart R. Levine

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