Why women fall for liars

Many deltas and gammas have a hard time understanding why women reliably fall for lying jerks who are not what they seem to be and treat them badly time and time again. This goes a little beyond the conventional Game explanation, in the sense that it is one thing if a woman is attracted to a lying alpha who treats her badly and goes along with the program in the full knowledge of the consequences, it is something else entirely when the woman is legitimately surprised that the lying alpha would behave in exactly the manner anyone who has observed him for a reasonable time would expect him to behave.

Now, Game certainly explains an amount of the phenomenon with the Rationalization Hamster. But it's not always enough, in the not-infrequent cases when there isn't even any rationalizing taking place. The following survey offers a compelling explanation for why some girls simply cannot discern when a man is a liar and when he is not. It also explains why deltas and gammas have such a hard time accepting the inability of those girls to do so.
A new study by the Girl Scouts of America, “Real to Me: Girls and Reality TV,” found that not only are the reality-TV shows popular with young female viewers, but these same viewers have a hard time discerning fact from fiction. Of the 1,100 girls surveyed for the GSA report, 50 percent said the shows are “mainly real and unscripted” when just the opposite is true. If that isn’t bad enough, those questioned also have come to accept the antics regularly portrayed on the programs such as fighting and gossiping as part of normal behavior
The hard truth that those who tend to pedestalize women will find difficult to accept is that many women really are that stupid. If a woman can't tell that reality TV isn't real, how on Earth are she supposed to be able to tell when a man is posing, when a man is lying, and when a man is only pretending to care about her?

And this is precisely why male predators don't hesitate to tell even the most ludicrously absurd stories to women. They will do so because a statistically significant number of women will believe literally anything you tell them. Combine that tendency with the Rationalization Hamster effect on women who are actually capable of actual cognitive activity, and that means that an attractive man can reasonably expect to convince most women of almost anything so long as he does so with a straight face.

Now, my circles tend to run to intelligent, educated women, but even there, I've seen that women often don't react with disbelief to what most men would regard as obvious nonsense. My sense of humor is such that I have been occasionally known to indulge in wildly absurd Cliff Clavenisms that only sound plausible so long as you don't think about it. And one thing I've noticed is that while men very rarely fall for it, many women will more often than not so long as it is at least tangentially connected to the subject at hand.

Sadly, Spacebunny seldom does. I think she may be onto me.

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