Superbowl Sunday

So today EVERYBODY is talking about the Superbowl.  I see pictures posted on my friend's Facebook walls of prepared food, painted fingernails representing their favorite team's colors, and "jersey" posing in front of the camera.  Now I don't really watch football too much, but I always watch the Superbowl...why?????

The commercials.

I LOVE watching Superbowl ads.  I wouldn't even mind being the brains behind those crazy off the wall ads marketers conjure up every year. Of course there will be tons of Tweets and FB updates of commercial favorites by millions of fans everywhere.

I'm a bit of a purist.  So when I think of the greatest Superbowl ad of all time, I have to fall in line with tradition and mention Apple's famous ad of 1984 introducing the first MAC computer.  The ad only aired once and to this day people still rant and rave over the influence this commercial had over the industry.  I'm not sure if another commercial could ever top the notoriety of the Apple ad of the 80s, but it should be interesting to see what's in store for us to see Super Bowl XLVI


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