Yep! You read that right. This recipe requires only two ingredients. :)
Cake mix & Pumpkin (15 oz can)
You may have heard of this recipe before. It's pretty popular around the web.
My fave thing about this recipe is that it's a low fat sweet treat. The muffins come out super moist and yummy. There is just a hint of pumpkin flavor so don't disregard just because you may not be a pumpkin fan. Give it a try! :)
Just add in the 2 ingredients and mix together. No oil, eggs, or water needed!
Spoon into a muffin pan, with or without liners. I didn't have any readily available so I went with the without option.
Bake at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes.
Yours probably won't turn out this brown. I slightly overcooked mine because I got distracted by cleaning out the bathroom cabinet and my daughter wanting me to dance to kids bop with her. I also have a really sorry kitchen timer that needs to be replaced apparently because I didn't hear the ringer. What are you going to do right? At least I got them out before they weren't edible anymore. ;)
I like to top mine with powdered sugar but you can skip that if you want. It just adds a little something. You can even top them with icing if you want.
My fave way to cook these is with yellow or spice cake mix. If you want to try a little chocolate treat you can also use chocolate cake mix. I have also tried them that way.