Much of a Team Player

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Having found a new mode of fame, this transformed personality (TP) has not been spared from being taken advantage of by some players in his new field. TP was known to live a life of leisure as he has made more money compared to even the richest in the country. In fact, TP has made it to the list of the wealthy consistently for the past several years. Before his big transformation came into being, TP gave away money as easily as he changed hats (he used to wear those hats similar to what gangsters wore in Hollywood movies). He bought whatever he fancied, whether it were a car, a new home, or a building. His old entourage made sure he had women around. With women, came the booze and gambling. Indeed, he partied with wild abandon. He did not seem to care for money because his profession allowed him to be spoiled and pampered materially.

Finally, the wife had enough and threatened to leave him and bring along their kids. TP grew up with a very strict mother who raised him and his siblings single-handedly  when his father abandoned them at an early age. The threat from his wife jolted him. TP soon realized that his family mattered most. Soon, with his wife's support together with other religious personalities, TP had a major conversion. The most drastic change happened when the old entourage was banned from his home. TP then gave away his old possessions, everything that was connected to his old, despised lifestyle. He and his family began reading the Bible and found justification in the Word of God. Within a few weeks, TP became a changed man and lived it. Suddenly, he started to preach and testify to people about his transformation . While TP found his inner peace, he was not spared from those who want to dip their fingers into his pie.

In one gathering, a religious personality commented on the awful sound system. In a few minutes, TP signed a check for the purchase of a new sound system for their fellowship services. Then, another head of a church admired TP's nice car. The next day, a car was given to the pastor courtesy of TP. Still, another one lamented the need for a bigger venue for their gathering. So, TP donated a piece of land and the construction of the bigger venue. Of course, this kind of generosity (or abuse) did not escape his alert and eagle-eyed wife.

Although TP had been transformed in more ways than one, it seemed that the people around him have not seen him beyond being an ATM or cash machine. TP is trapped in a difficult situation where he could not afford  to ignore financial requests from his organization. Otherwise, he will be in a quandary where he can be subject to criticism for not being a "happy giver," a most-abused term often used by some of those running a similar organization. At this point in his life, apart from his family, TP takes his spiritual life very seriously. And anything that merits acceptance to a religious organization that he believes in is of paramount importance. This is quite a touchy situation to be in. Makes one think - when TP is stripped off his material wealth, will the people in the organization still treat him accordingly?

Can you identify who TP is? Please abide by the RULES in writing comments if you want me to post them. Initials and comments that are too explicit will not be accepted.

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