Just Reconnect the Dots for Meaning

Image courtesy of www.artisan.com

Heart-breaker actor (HB) and emerging actress (EA) were seen together in a high-end mall early this evening. Are HB and EA on a getting to know you date? While still in a very public relationship, HB was known for flirting with women other than his girlfriend (GF). GF did not seem to mind all these indiscretions until they called it quits. GF has moved on and found a new love with another popular actor. HB, meanwhile, has yet to announce formally if he is in a relationship. Is EA another woman HB will count on his list?

A few days ago, some articles claimed that HB was dating host actress (HA). Both are working in the same station, hence, it was natural for them to be linked together, but neither had confirmed anything about it. Therefore, will this sighting of HB with EA quash the rumor that HB and HA are dating? Incidentally, EA never confirmed that she is (or was?) in a relationship with a drama actor (DA) of her network. Since last month, DA has been very vocal about his feelings for and relationship with EA. However, it seems that EA's family is allegedly not in favor of DA.

DA has been reported to have allegedly gone violent while in an event when he got drunk after he was ignored by someone. Of course, his network moved to do damage control by not confirming that such an incident happened despite the endless stories/blind items about it. After all, DA doesn't need any of those negative publicities at this point that he is being groomed to be another important star.

So, did DA get drunk because EA is setting her eyes on someone new? Is HB supposedly the someone new? If this were the case, why was HA linked with HB? Well, we can only wait and watch as the truth unfolds in the next few weeks.

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