You know things have been going pretty well craft/decor wise lately. I was beginning to think that maybe I'd turned the corner and things were looking up, then I saw red, literally!
It all began when everyone was posting their Halloween stuff. Now for those who don't know, Halloween is not really celebrated here in the Southern Hemisphere, however there was a cute little tile, which you can visit here, made by my friend Danni over at Silo Hill Farm and I knew from the second I saw it, I wanted a Christmas one.
So I chose the pictures I wanted, the adorable woman shopping was found over at The Graphics Fairy and I cut her out on my cutter. Weeding all the little details in her hair and the wreath was painstakingly long, but totally worth it.
Then I made the tiles into a hanger and popped them on the wall. Now I have to say they just didn't look right. So I thought okay what's wrong with it, Danni's is so vibrant and mine just looked dull, so I had the brilliant idea to spray paint the tiles to add color enter me seeing red.
What is more Christmassy than red and white, plus I knew Julian and the boys would be over the moon not to have another "Pink" Christmas, so I sprayed and left them in the garage.
I came back and they were so glossy and shiny I was so excited, then disaster struck.
The only way I can salvage this is to get some paint stripper and start again - Next Christmas!
DIY Delight or Disaster? Disaster! Moral of the story, tiles have to be primed, lesson learned, the hard way.
But if you want to see a truly awesome Christmas project go and see Danni's latest creation, gorgeous!
Thanks for reading
Mel xo
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