Dehorokkhi Bangladeshi cinema latest pictures and news

Upcoming Bangladeshi bangla movie ‘Dehorokkhi’ (The Bodyguard) a digital making bangla movie and film’s shooting completed from whole over the Bangladeshi beautiful location. Bangladeshi bangla cinema ‘Dehorokkhi’ is an action based triangle romantic cinema. Film’s songs, location, costume, print was very good but what types of acting performs by cinema’s model and actress, we know about that after released the ‘Dehorokkhi’ (The Bodyguard) movie.

cinema Dehorokkhi


Bangladeshi bangla movie Dehorokkhi (The Bodyguard) Released date:

Cinema name: Dhorokkhi’ (The Bodyguard)
Director: Iftakar Chowdhury
Script: Zaheer Babu
Music Director: Adit
Starring: Kazi Maruf,  Eamin Haque bobby, Anisur Rahman Milon
Studio: Fatman Studio
Produced By: Fatman Films
Singer: Nancy, Shohev, Kona, Adit, Dhola, Parvez
Official Radio Partner: Radio Foorti. Stay tuned to 88.0 FM.
Release date: Maybe April 2013 

cinema Dehorokkhi

cinema Dehorokkhi

cinema Dehorokkhi

cinema Dehorokkhi

cinema Dehorokkhi

cinema Dehorokkhi

cinema Dehorokkhi

cinema Dehorokkhi

cinema Dehorokkhi

cinema Dehorokkhi

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