Honestly I'm A Liar

Morning All,

Yesterday I finally painted the boys room and wow what a difference!

So it started like this.

Then I painted and decided to try moving the furniture around and Now it looks like this:

I can't believe how much brighter it is! It made a huge difference to the light issues I have. The closet doors will need to be replaced with sliding doors with the bed in that position, but it has given me more space and better lighting.

When I woke up yesterday morning I believed I was an honest person, but as I painted the last coat on the last wall I realized that I had lied all day. It's funny how painting gives you time to reflect on things. Here are the lies I told yesterday:

1. At 7 am Julian got up for work, he said that the babies had been fed and the kids were giving them breakfast - I told him I was getting up, I stayed in bed for another 20 minutes.

2. As he left at 7:30 he said "you will tape up the room properly", I said "yes", but I didn't.

3. The boys asked if they would be able to decide on all my projects, I said yes, another lie

4. I lied to myself when I said I wouldn't eat the last two truffles for breakfast

5. I lied to Elizabeth when I said I didn't know where my hairbrush was, I hate sharing my brush and it forced her to find her own.

6. I lied to Jack when I said I wouldn't remove all his books - I need to find somewhere for them we bought him a kindle to help with the issue, but he still won't give up his paper versions. I will be putting them away in the garage.

However, it's true that you reap what you sow because I was viciously lied to!

1. I bought a "Point and Paint" supposedly will paint a room in an hour - Big Fat Lie, within 10 minutes I got the roller and brush out.

2. The worst one, 1 coat paint - HUGE lie, I had to paint two coats I was so annoyed. The only good thing about it was I got the paint for free so at least I hadn't paid for expensive lying paint.

Today, I'm exhausted but happy with the room and determined to never lie again - except about my online purchases because you know, everyone needs a vice!

Thanks for reading,

Mel xo

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