Grace Jones: Real life superhero.

My inner nerd is constantly comparing people to superheroes. Seriously. I am like a 12 year old boy on the inside. The other day, I was convinced that the guy bagging my groceries was Peter Parker. He was talking about 'thugs' and saying that someone needs to stand up to them or something along those lines. My brain instantly went to "Omg, are you Spiderman?" It doesn't take to long for reality to set in and I am back to being a semi-adult. The only person in the world that can hold down the title of real life superhero would most definitely be the one and only Grace Jones. 

Grace Jones is the OG, of fierce and flamboyant realness. Where do all these young kids think Nicki Minaj got the majority of her fashion ideas? Grace's forceful presence and intimidating, angular beauty will send these current pop sensations running for their money. Jones being the androgynous diva that she is, has been a style icon for years. She is the definition of a real life superhero and walking art. 

This super-diva exploded in the 80s. The best way I could describe her fashion forward look is 'power fab'. Put the woman in a shirt made of cotton puffs and she will find a way to make it power fab. She definitely goes to show that you can put personality into fashion and costume design. A complete inspiration. 

She entered the scene as a model which makes sense because her look is completely unique. It's pretty difficult to pull of beautiful and strong and still look beautiful.  Most of what sold her was her androgynous quality. She then followed up her career with her singing and acting. As a musician and actress (she was even a Bond girl), she was just as brilliant and stunning. Not many models have pulled off becoming a triple threat with such ease.  

If there is one thing we can take away from the lovely Grace, is how to bring out our inner super-diva.  There is some of that power fab in all of us. She teaches us to be different, bold, and brave and embrace it. I am quite the girly girl but I like to add a leather jacket or stud here or there to badass it up a little from time to time. Here are a few fun items to get your bad ass on and unleash your inner super-diva.

Now that i've provided studs for days, how do you channel your inner super-diva? Does your super-diva have a name? What is her power? 

Light and Love, 
Latanya Rene 

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