Intersexual relations and shootings

I don't know what the connection between intersexual relations and the recent school shooting in Connecticut is, but given that the shooter killed his mother in her classroom as well as her students, it is almost certain that they are involved in some capacity.  They were definitely involved in the recent murder-suicide in Kansas City, where the paternity of the NFL player's girlfriend's child was apparently in doubt.

It's easy to sneer at people because they're losers in the sexual marketplace, because they were rejected, because they get cheated on, because they were blue pill chumps burned by the opposite sex.  But it is a terrible, terrible mistake, because sometimes, the losers decide to share their pain with the world.  I'm not condoning their actions in any way or minimizing the gravity of them, merely noting the observable fact.  Pain feeds on pain. Pain often breeds more pain.

It is customary to posture and declare that the killer must have been insane or a coward.  This is both silly and dishonest.  Cowards are easy to deter.  The insane are seldom stable enough to plan their actions successfully. But sane individuals whose pain is so great they would rather die than live are very, very dangerous and nearly impossible to deter.

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