Letter from a Reader: Ooops! ... He Did It Again!

Image courtesy of www.article.wn.com

Dear Fashion PULIS,

Hi FP. I am an avid reader of your blog. I just want to share a story. We had the voices songs and rhythms during a festival 2012 held here in our province. I was part of the logistics team of the said event.

Our governor requested this perfomer PE to be one of the hosts of the event together with a beauty queen BQ. The call time was at 7pm, latest was 8pm. The event was star-studded with music industry veterans as judges, politicians and other stars. It was already 9pm but PE had not arrived yet because "traffic daw." The organizers had no choice but to start the program even without him.

We were very disappointed. PE didn't show any professionalism at all. The event was not his own show where he can afford to be late and be excused. Ours is a special gathering of people celebrating our festival. PE had no respect for people who trusted him enough to be part of this special occasion, most especially to our hardworking governor and the provincial staff who took great pains to make the event a big success. And also to our guests and performers, most of whom came all the way from Manila, too, and like PE had encountered traffic as well, but arrived way ahead of him. These were the people na pinaghintay nya.

BQ also had a hard time hosting because the script was written for both her and PE. People said that PE was complacent since he was close to our governor daw. But that is no excuse to abuse such closeness, if true. PE arrived around 9:30-10 pm already. Thanks, but really...no thanks!

Hope that next time he gets invited again, PE will be more professional and respectful of people.

Thank you, Fashion PULIS, for publishing my letter. More power to you!

Respectfully yours,

Note: Letter is edited for brevity

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