Please Mind Your Child!

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What happens when celebrity parents decide to split up and their children are left being second priority because mom and dad have found new partners and have started new families? Regardless of the split,  children of celebrities are often under scrutiny especially when their peers find out about their identities.

Take the case of the child of a separated showbiz couple (CS). The dad of CS has found a new wife and has even moved away from the city from where his other career had once flourished. The mother of CS has kept a low profile after the marriage crumbled, and has constantly denied any connection with a married man.

The story goes that CS struck a friendship with a fellow student (FS) from an exclusive elite school. Naturally, as young adolescents, CS and FS regularly exchange text messages. Then one day, the mother of FS freaked out when she found out that CS was asking for load from her 12 year old son. Turns out, the 'asking for load' has been a regular thing between the two.  Apparently, FS has been generous in passing load to CS each time the mother has loaded his mobile.

Sadly, the mother could not help but lament at how CS, at such a young age, can just as easily and naturally ask her young son for a load. “Oportunista” was how she labelled CS.

Perhaps, CS' behavior or misbehavior got more magnified because she is a child of celebrities. Asking for a load might seem “cute” at the stage of adolescence, but it sends off a wrong message that might lead to more and bigger demands later on. As such, celebrities or not, parents must be extra cautious at how they behave in front of their children. Kids are like sponges who absorb everything that they see and hear from their elders.

As it is said biblically, "Train up a child in the way he should go. And even when he is old, he will never depart from it. "

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