Beyond The Celebrity's Mask

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Every organization is founded on a mission, a sense of purpose to accomplish goals and objectives as defined in the organization's vision statement. Thus it is a very serious endeavor that an organization must be headed by an individual of unquestionable integrity, a name that is well-respected in the community. The thrust of the organization's commitment depends a great deal if the above standards are met by the individual who will run it. .

Thus, it is quite a shock when you hear of a person who is supposed to have an untarnished image and a pillar of goodness, compassion and honesty being talked about as being involved in funds misuse and abuse of power.

This good looking and popular celebrity GP who heads a big non profit organization NGO tasked to help the poor and underprivileged is allegedly engaged in malversation of funds --- the organization's funds for that matter. Sounds unthinkable and conflicting for GP's public persona. But there have been persistent and strong insider information that point to GP's extra curricular activities and misuse of these funds.

GP is well known for having a fastidious lifestyle. It was alleged that GP draws funds from the NGO to pay for personal credit card bills amounting to Php 300,000 to 500,000 per month! The scandalous figure sounds like the NGO is the one tasked to shoulder the fabulous lifestyle. And why not, even the monthly payment for the personal dance instructor aka DI allegedly comes from the NGO funds itself.

Do the regular donors of the NGO know where their hard-earned money is being squandered? Aren't these funds supposed to be used to take care of the poor and the oppressed in the first place? So many questions that need to be addressed immediately. Well, we can only hope and pray for the best.

”Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody's going to know whether you did it or not.” --Oprah Winfrey

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