5 Reasons Why Idris Elba Should Be The Next James Bond

Image from musiccreedlive.com

This morning on Twitter I had a number of interactions between followers about Daniel Craig's role ending as James Bond.  Currently as it stands, Craig has 2 more films under his contract, which means he may decide to retire his role as James Bond.  Initially, I had tweeted out to my followers that Jason Statham should play the next Bond.  I mean he's British, he's an action star, and he is one of the most popular action stars in Hollywood right now.  Why not?

Then someone tweeted to me that Idris Elba should be the next James Bond. I couldn't believe that it has never dawned on me before that the hotness that is Idris Elba could easily become the next James Bond.  My twitter buddy came up with the tactful hashtag #IdrisElba007.

Wouldn't it be awesome if social media could dictate who gets cast in movies?

I'm currently on Team Idris!  Now Idris Elba himself has said publicly that he does not want the role of James Bond simply because it would mean he would be the first "Black Bond".  I couldn't agree more, you have to love the English who don't scrutinize lines of color as of often as Americans do.  I will be blunt and say that yes, I would like a Black Bond  Why not?  However, I respect Elba's opposition to the notion that his role in the 007 series shouldn't be narrowed down to diversity casting.  In other words, he wants to ensure that they select the best man for the job regardless of race.  Well guess what?  I have 5 reasons why Idris Elba should be cast as the next James Bond!

5. He's in that TV show 'Luther'  

Now I have personally not yet seen this show.  I've been baited by Twitter and Facebook fans to watch the popular British psychological crime drama series that merited Idris Elba himself the distinguished Golden Globe Award last year.  The show illustrates his capacity to be dramatic, witty, stylish, and kick some ass along the way.  These are inherently all Bond-like qualities in my opinion.

4. He's English.

Yes, I know there is no need to point this out, but there are some Americans who are more familiar with Idris' American-speaking roles than his British body of work.  The man can definitely say the line "shaken but not stirred" with an evocative British accent.

3. He's Incredibly Sexy

There is one major qualifier of James Bond.  He MUST fit the "Hotness That Is" category.  Therefore, we can't just have any run-of-the-mill actor with mediocre looks play the iconic James Bond.  Have you seen this man with his shirt off?  James Bond may need to be renamed "James BOD".  Must I say more? He's also very charismatic and has a romantic flair that would translate so well on celluloid that you would have to fan yourself in the theater from the steam emitting from the big screen.  Yes, he seriously does have that affect on people.

2. His Age

According to Ian Fleming's stories, James Bond is roughly in his mid-to-late thrities.  Yes, Idris is in his early forties and yes studios always try to go with the flavor of the month and cast young hot talent to replace the old guy, but let's back up for a second here.  What if we cast a James Bond who is a mature, yet sexy gentleman, who still has the gusto to keep up with the younger generation?  Idris has demonstrated that quite well in his previous roles both in TV and Film.

1. He's One of the Most Sought-After Actors in Hollywood

Why?  Because when you are a Golden Globe Award winner that's what immediately happens.  This guy has so many projects under his belt that becoming the next James Bond, may conflict with his already busy schedule.  He currently has 4 films (including the next Thor movie) that are in post-production and there are already rumors spreading that he should play the next Dr. Who.  The demands of both American and British audiences are clamoring over this guy.  Which we can all understand why.

There is currently a social media campaign on Facebook with close to 25,000 fans.
If you want to make noise on Twitter use the hashtag #IdrisElba007

Take a look below as Idris discusses his favorite James Bond actors

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