Some things are better left in the ground.

The more you come to learn about my 'nerdy-ness' the more you will know that I am OBSESSED with horror films. I was basically raised on horror films. Instead of watching 'family' friendly movies, we would watch Nightmare on Elm Street, Rosemary's Baby and Hellraiser. I am surprised I turn out somewhat normal honestly. 

I typically get super nervous when I hear that a classic (and one of my personal all time favorites) like Evil Dead is going to be remade. I can not express how much I love everything about Evil Dead. When Evil Dead: The Musical happened I almost died with excitement. The production had a "blood zone" where you would get splattered with fake blood in the audience, you better believe I had one of those seats. Left the show covered in blood and happy. 

I feel like everyone in the world should have seen Evil Dead at some point so I am not going to go into detail on what the film is about. If you haven't seen it, SHAME ON YOU and it is currently instantly viewable on NetFlix. 

Image from Evil Dead remake

So how do I feel about the remake? Well, I was pretty not excited when I heard it was being remade, not going to lie. But then the trailer happened.  You can click here and actually record your reaction while watching the trailer for the film that is being released this April.  You don't have to record your reaction but it is that intense. I am not usually into super gore filled modern horror movies, but this movie looks messed up in the best possible way.

From the looks of the trailer, aside from being like "What the hell is happening?" ever four seconds, I noticed that some of the cheesy campy horror that takes places in the original movie seems to be in the remake but it's a little more creepy and demented. This fills me with happy. The remake also promises to be the most terrifying film you will ever experience. In my research on this remake I also found out some interesting facts. Here is a list of some reasons why the remake might actually be great...

  • Most of the film was shot in order due to the fact that it gets more bloody as the movie progresses. This is due to the fact that it was filmed in a controlled environment and they wanted to make sure that every scene was accurate with the blood from scene to scene.
  • Raimi, Campbell, and Tapert OWN Evil Dead which means they maintained control over the remake. This basically assures we will leave the cinema very pleased.
  • The remake has some of the best lines from the original film. Can't wait to find out which lines!
  • The original Evil Dead has a ton of funny moments but was meant to be a horror film first. This film is a little more serious but might have a few light laughs here and there. 
  • For those who know Evil Dead well and know about the infamous tree scene, it will be in the remake. 
  • The other person behind the remake's screenplay is none other than DIABLO CODY! Enough said. 

Now it's time to plan a Evil Dead party and then get your bums to the cinema once the film comes out this spring.  In case you take me seriously and actually have a party, here is a fun shopping guide based on the characters from the film.

Here is a Express Men shirt for the Ash in your life. I couldn't find one with one sleeve missing already but that is the fun part. Gas up the chainsaw!

If you're the Linda on this cabin getaway of doom, here is a dress from Forever 21 that will do just fine for the blood splatter. 

For the Scott in your group, he definitely needs a good plaid shirt from H&M

And then we have Scott's woman, Shelly. You can buy these shorts at Delia's just in time for your boyfriend to chop you up with an ax. 

And finally, we have Cheryl. Ash's artsy sister who has a special run in with a tree of sorts. This top will be perfect for the occasion from Asos

How do you feel about the Evil Dead remake? Are you excited? Do you think it will be as amazing as it seems?

I will leave you wonderful people with this amazing song based on the film by The Smyrk. Click here to listen to this jam and be sure to play it at your Evil Dead party.

Watching out for demons, 

Latanya Rene 

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