A Restaurant Meet - Up Story

Image courtesy of www.eventful.com

Cute Actor CA has always been questioned about his preferences. Ever since he got noticed on his television soaps, the same kind of talk hounded him. It maybe partly due to his hunky physique and handsome attributes that people, especially his many women fans can’t seem to accept if he indeed is. Anyway you put it, the fact that since such rumors refuse to die down, there must be something than meets the eye.

To his credit, CA just let these talks go around and take its course – he neither denied nor confirmed it, not until recently when he flatly denied the whole thing and all the gossips that went around for sometime. Some observers were not convinced. Celebrities especially for someone as popular as CA, tend to catch people’s attention anywhere they go, and that includes parties and/or gatherings they attend to.

At a dinner that he recently attended along with some good friends, CA was in a celebratory mood and allegedly got one drink too many. The party venue was held in a relatively pricey restaurant. While some waiters were serving them, CA took a liking to one of the waiters WR. Throughout the party, his eyes were fixated towards WR alone - his special waiter that evening.

A day after, at the same restaurant, waiters were having a blast talking animatedly about the scoop of the day: CA took home WR! Apparently, WR, the kiss and tell, was bragging to his colleagues about his extra-ordinary and unforgettable evening with CA the night before. WR said he just couldn’t get over CA - his kindness, his generosity, his versatility and full-packed giftedness. Oh uh …

"Our privacy, our secrecy. It is between just you and me. If we should gel, you need not dwell. Guaranteed! I don't kiss and tell" - Ronnie Doe

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