Alpha Mail: the female process

Sarahsdaughter lays down some vital observations concerning female communication and behavior that every man needs to comprehend:
Because I have to thoroughly think through these things, I've come to understand that my first response is often times 1)emotional and irrational 2)based in fear (not truth) 3)not the same response I might have later after processing information 4)should not be verbalized until said processing of information is done.

We, as women understand and find no issue with the fact that we need to go through these processes in order to figure out what is true - even when it comes to our feelings. We want to talk it through. And then, we have a tendency to arrive at new conclusions without going back and apologizing for emotional outbursts that were based on wrong conclusions.

This is one thing game teaches men (and women) that haven't been privy to understanding women's nature prior. Ignore what women say, and observe what they do. They are not logical nor rational in their first responses to stimuli or information. And they are not prone to taking responsibility for wrong behavior.
This gets at the heart of the greater part of what is considered "sexism" today.  And yet, who is the more truly sexist, those who simply acknowledge the readily observable or those who deny it, and in denying it, remove from women the responsibility for being accountable for their words and actions.  Feminism isn't about sexual equality.  It isn't even about female superiority, per se.  It is, rather, primarily concerned with according women formal adult status and privileges without adult responsibilities.

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