Ask A Nerd: Strong Black Female Characters

Q: Hi, I am a little nervous asking you this but here it goes. I am a white male that is currently dating a black female. She is a bit geeky and we share plenty of the same interests. Since she is a fan of the twilight books I took her to see the last movie that came out. Neither of us enjoyed the movie too much but she seemed to enjoy the amazon characters greatly. Now before this she told me that she can never really identify with a character in a book or movie, but she really seemed to relate with the amazon vampires. Is there any other show, anime, movie with a strong black female character or characters that I could introduce her to without it being too weird? My search has brought me to your site and was wondering if you could help me out. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

A:  Hi and thank you for your question.  I must admit your question sort of stumped me, as I too, am not very familiar with any "characters" of African decent that may be of interest to your girlfriend.  However, after a little research, I found two, what appears to be strong African American characters.  The first is AFROELLA. She is a comic book character named, "Agent 36-24-36", but, her code name is Afroella.  According to my findings, she's a no nonsense Captain of the Starship Fierce, and she doesn't mind kicking a little butt.  Check out the link above.

The second character I found was Tesla Strong.  Tesla Strong is a human mutant who's a science hero.  This character first appeared in Tom Strong (America's Best Comics).  Tesla is known for her strength, stamina and agility.  Her IQ is exceptionally high and she is well versed in most sciences.  Check out more on Tesla Strong at: 

I do hope with you sharing these two characters with your girlfriend, that she finds one, if not both of interest.  Good luck to you. 

~Tam Solomon, Contributing Writer~

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