Moderating One's Greed

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When networks employ child star talents to ink management contract with them, it is imperative that special provisions are in place to make sure that their rights as children are protected. The government has been strict on this as contained in the provisions of DOLE ( Department of Labor and Employment) a government organization that safeguards the rights of the working children (15 years old and below) against a working environment that is abusive - mentally, physically, socially or morally dangerous and harmful.

But apart from that, there are some violations that exist and these have something to do with management contract. A major network MN has a child star CS under its management. The little star is not that popular yet but talented enough to get MN's interest to put her under its roster of talents. In fact the little girl had already appeared in a teleserye topbilled by MN's most popular loveteam. When the show ended several months ago, MN already stopped giving projects to CS.

When they inquired from MN executives, they were told that MN can not be made to adjust their program's taping schedules to suit CS'. Apparently, the child is attending school and her camp asks MN for considerations or a little adjustment so that she wouldn't miss school and can still work, something which was contained in the contract that CS signed with them in the first place. What CS' camp was asking is exactly the provision contained under DOLE. But sad to say, MN prefers to look the other way and violate their own contract.

What's making it more difficult is that CS has other offers from another major network AN where her schedules would not be a problem because the program itself make adjustments' to their talents' school schedules. Thus CS' camp requested MN that she be released from the contract with them. But sadly, they were always given the run around. Months after, when they made a follow-up, CS camp was disgusted that until then, everything hasn't moved at all, and all they heard were delaying tactics. Apparently, MN wouldn't want to release CS, even though they were not giving her any project for so long.

Lately, MN has been on the losing end after a series of exposes and controversies on the way they are handling/mishandling their stars. Some of their talents are now quietly talking how badly they are treated and paid as compared to stars of other networks. Is this why there are more MN talents now who are non-committal at renewing contracts and have been hinting at transferring networks? This we'll get to see in a few weeks.

"There is no trust more sacred than the one the world holds with children. There is no duty more important than ensuring that their rights are respected, that their welfare is protected, that their lives are free from fear and want and that they can grow up in peace." - Kofi Annan

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