To Sell or to Keep the Gifts?

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Disgusted Star DS must really be having one of her worst of times these days. DS has had it, she is full of frustration towards her Previous Relationship PR. In a twist of fate, whether it was intentional or not, PR made insensitive choices that hit DS so bad. From then on, many things were never the same again between DS and an Ex-Chum EC.

DS and EC are now victims of their own personal circumstances, made even worse by the fact that they simply can't avoid being together. Allegedly, DS' disgust towards PR has reached fever pitch these days, and that she doesn't want to be reminded anymore about anything related to him. As in everything that is connected to PR, DS wanted them out of her sight pronto.

Thus one day, she gathered all the expensive gifts (there were tons of them) that PR had given her when they were still a couple. She had them all returned and delivered to PR. PR although shocked, had no choice but to accept them all, yet didn't have any idea what to do with them.

When EC found out about the returned gifts, she could not believe how plenty and expensive they were. So, from out of the blue, she volunteered to PR that she would take care of them. She came up with the "brilliant" plan of selling them and donating the proceeds to charity. No one would really know for sure though as to how EC really felt when she saw all those gifts of PR to DS.

Was EC's gesture a way to assuage a personal hurt -- or something with vested interest -- or both? Whatever her reasons, the end is the same -- she gets to have the cake and eat it, too. The big question now is, what will happen to the unsold items? Does she get to keep them? You guess is as good as mine!

"A clever fighter is one who not only wins but excels in winning with ease."

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