More equal than others

The Prime Minister of the UK makes it clear the West is living in an equalitarian society in which female pigs are more equal than their male counterparts:
The Prime Minister also said that his wife, a director of a luxury goods company, often encourages him to promote women.  He said: “My wife likes to say that if you don't have women in 50 per cent of top positions, you are not missing out on 50 per cent of the talent, you are missing out on more than 50 per cent of the talent and I think she's right.”
Not all women are rabbits and more than a few men are, but this perfectly illustrates the rabbity thinking of most women.  Due to solipsism and the female imperative, they never stop ceasing to push for more of their own, until they crowd out everything else altogether.

This may sound controversial, but keep mind that women are STILL pushing for more women in higher education and claiming that there are not enough women in various academic disciplines even though women now already make up 58 percent of all university students in the United States.

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