Portrait of the gamma as a young rabbit

The third image of the Gamma Rabbit to come out of the Whatever warren is so psychologically revealing that it barely requires comment.

Can't you see a long, lonely future of social exclusion, sexual frustration, and friend-zones ahead for this poor little guy?  Can't you see him trudging sadly away, devastated by the collective cold shoulder turned to him by the group to which he so desperately wants to belong, and fighting back the tears only moments after this snapshot in time?  The little fellow's fragile optimism is almost heart-breaking, or at least it would be if the context wasn't so funny.  A more accurate subtitle would be: "Won't you please be his friend?"

While I always encourage individuals to understand their place in relation to the socio-sexual hierarchy, it is with the idea that they will use that understanding to improve their lot in life if they are less than entirely content with it.  Embracing gammatude is fine, even healthy, if one is content with it.  But knowingly taking pride in one's admitted inferiority?  That's just perverse and contemptible.  It is one thing to lose well, it is another thing altogether to take pride in the act of losing.

And it is even worse to take pride in refusing to play the game out of nothing more than the fear of failure. Is there any surprise that this unfortunate little guy will one day grow up to become this?

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